Research: Dating deformation in the SW USA—Maria fold-and-thrust belt and the Colorado River extensional corridor

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Timing and kinematics of Laramide Cretaceous-Paleocene shortening and extension in the Maria fold-thrust belt

Recent abstracts, *Invited Talk:

  • Flansburg, M.E., and Stockli, D.F., 2023, Differentiating kinematically similar deformation by applying structurally-integrated U-Pb geo-thermochronology along the southwestern margin of the Colorado River extensional corridor (SE California, USA): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 55, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-392912. (Oral Presentation—GSA Connects 2023)

  • Flansburg, M.E., and Stockli, D.F., 2023, Late Cretaceous-Eocene shear zones along the southwestern margin of the Miocene Colorado River extensional corridor (SE California, USA): Presented at Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, McCall, Idaho, 18-25 August. (Poster Presentation—GSA Penrose 2023).

  • *Flansburg, M.E., and Stockli, D.F., 2022, Directly dating complex deformation via structurally-integrated multi-mineral U-Pb petrochronology and (U-Th)/He thermochronology (SE California and west-central Arizona, USA): GSA Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Section Meeting 2022 (March 15-17, 2022, Las Vegas, NV, USA)

  • Flansburg, M.E., Stockli, D.F., Orlandini, P., Singleton, J., and Mosher, S., 2021, Late Cretaceous-Paleocene deformation in the Maria fold-and-thrust belt (SE California and west-central Arizona, USA): New insights from titanite EBSD and in-situ U-Pb petrochronology: AGU Fall Meeting 2021 (December 13-17, 2021, New Orleans, LA, USA)

  • Flansburg, M.E., Stockli, D.F., and Singleton, J., 2021, Multi-mineral U-Pb geo- and thermochronometric constraints on Laramide-age deformation in the Maria fold-and-thrust belt (SW USA): GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting 2021 (May 12-14, 2021, Virtual)

  • Flansburg, ME., Stockli, D.F., and Singleton, J., 2019, Dating ductile deformation in the Maria fold-and-thrust belt with apatite and zircon U-Pb geochronometry, Big Maria and Riverside Mountains, southeastern California: GSA Annual Meeting (September 22-25, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA)

High- and low-temperature thermochronology of the Miocene Chemehuevi-Whipple-Riverside metamorphic core complex


  • Flansburg, M.E., and Stockli, D.F., 2023, Progressive Miocene unroofing of the Big Maria and Riverside Mountains (SE California, USA) along the southwestern margin of the Colorado River extensional corridor: Geosphere,

Recent abstracts:

  • *Flansburg, M.E., and Stockli, D.F., 2022, Directly dating complex deformation via structurally-integrated multi-mineral U-Pb petrochronology and (U-Th)/He thermochronology (SE California and west-central Arizona, USA): GSA Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Section Meeting 2022 (March 15-17, 2022, Las Vegas, NV, USA)

  • Flansburg, M.E., Stockli, D.F., and Singleton, J., 2021, Integrating high- and low-temperature thermo- and petrochronology to unravel basement fabrics (Riverside and Big Maria Mountains, SE California, USA): Thermo2020 Meeting (September 12-17, 2021, Santa Fe, NM, USA)

Research: Miocene Ignimbrite Flare-up: the Peach Spring Tuff Supereruption (southern Black Mountains, AZ)

As part of an NSF-REU co-hosted by Vanderbilt and Mercyhurst Universities, I developed an Honors BS Thesis at the College of William and Mary focused on the petrology and geochemistry of pre-Peach Spring Tuff mafic lavas and Peach Spring Tuff magmatic enclaves. The work suggested that mafic magma injection may have resulted in supereruption triggering as a result of mafic magma injection. My 2015 B.S. thesis was recently cited in this publication.

Conference abstracts (2014-2015) and BS thesis (2015) maybe be found on my ResearchGate profile.


Southern Greek Cyclades


Central Atlantic Piedmont and Blue Ridge